The Westerleigh
725 -22nd Street, West Vancouver, B.C.
Located within West Vancouver’s recreational precinct and adjacent to John Richardson Park, this project is the flagship building of Pacific Arbour Retirement Communities. The “state-of-the-art” facility consists of a 140,000 SF 7-storey curvilinear mid-rise with 130 barrier-free rental suites for seniors and includes a dining room with over 137 seats served by a commercial kitchen, and comprehensive amenity spaces devoted to educational, fitness, arts and social activities for the residents. The design responds to seniors’ needs to maintain an active lifestyle and to remain connected with their community, through proximity to the existing neighborhood seniors centre, the West Vancouver Rec Centre and the new Capilano University Eldercollege, which is a founding tenant in the building. Other commercial tenant uses, addressing Marine Drive, provide diversity and further integrate the facility into the community. The use of innovative features, such as ISOKORB thermal-bridging mitigation technology, extensive sun-screening and advanced building envelope construction, assisted in achieving targeted LEED™ Gold certification for the project.
Schematic design in collaboration with Francl Architecture
Completed in 2013